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Laurel High Global School


Laurel High aims to accomplish the vision by designing a learner centred environment. The needs of the students are the priority of the institution. Laurel High is inclusive and holistic. The emotional, physical, educational, societal and cultural needs are addressed the context of the family, community, nation and global world. The creation and building of a sense of belonging and social responsibility are focused into all school activities. The ‘whole child perspective’ upon which the Laurel High is based is being realized by the teachers, Principal, managers and other professionals in the school.

● To enable the students to live a full life and to realize their potential as a unique individual in this world.
● To empower the students to emerge as a social being through living, loving and leaving a legacy.
● To help the learners in using their talents and intelligence well to think, reflect, reason, deliberate, create and gain practical know-how
● To facilitate learners in accessing learning pathways, in making informed learning choices, in managing their learning and above all, in enjoying and developing a love of learning.
● To develop in learners, the qualities that will enable them to be open- minded, critically discerning, hold values, generate ideals, have a sense of justice and exercise moral and political freedom
● To facilitate for the personal well-being of the learner through sustained caring relationships with family, friends and other people.
● o promote active citizenship and encourage the participation of learners in the social, community, national and international dimensions of their lives.
● To Inspire, motivate and enable learners to pursue excellence in learning and to achieve to the highest possible standard by developing confidence, competence and resilience to live in a rapidly changing, technologically advanced, and globalized world.